Period Notes |
Radiocarbon dates from the 2011 excavation: five from features inside the stone circle: SUERC-56457, cremated bone in Urn 1, 3406+/-38BP, calibrated to 1873-1617 BC at 2 sigma; SUERC-56458, cremated bone, 3383+/-38, calibrated to 1870-1566 BC at 2 sigma; SUERC-36749, cremated bone, 3500+/-30BP, calibrated to 1906-1743 ca; BC at 2 sigma; SUERC-37076 cremated bone, 3405+/-30 BP, calibrated to 1862-1622 cal BC; SUERC-36750 cremated bone, 3420+/-30 BP, calibrated to 1873-1632 BC at 2 sigma. Three dates for small pieces of charcoal on the surface of the buried soil beneath the bank: SUERC-36753 2805+/-30 BO, calibrated to 1046-855 BC at 2 sigma; SUERC-36751 3670+/-30 BP, calibrated to 2139-2038 BC at 2 sigma; SUERC-36752 3750+/-30BP, calibrated to 2282-2038 BC at 2 sigma.