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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Bronze Age (2200 BC - 800 BC) B100    
Iron Age (800 BC - 400 AD) C100    
Roman Iron Age (1 AD - 250 AD) D100    
Prehistoric period uncertain A100    
Middle Bronze Age (1800 BC - 1300 BC) E1001505 BC - 1410 BC   
Middle Bronze Age (1800 BC - 1300 BC) E1001415 BC - 1260 BC   
Middle Bronze Age (1800 BC - 1300 BC) E1001400 BC -1220 BC   
Late Bronze Age (1300 BC - 800 BC) F1001055 BC - 900 BC   
Roman Iron Age (1 AD - 250 AD) G10025 BC - 210 AD   
Early Medieval (400 - 900 AD) H100415 AD - 540 AD   

Period Notes

Period Notes Radiocarbon dates: SUERC-93918 (GU55063) from Structure 2 (posthole), 3178+/-26, calibrated to 1505-1410 BC (at 2 sigma OxCal v4.3.2); SUERC-93919 (GU55064) from Structure 1 ditch, 3072+/-26, calibrated to 1414-1260 BC (at 2 sigma OxCal v4.3.2); SUERC-93920 (GU55065) burnt human bone from Cremation Pit, 3044+/-26, calibrated to 1400-1220 BC ((at 2 sigma OxCal v4.3.2); SUERC-93921 (GU55066) burnt human bone from tree bole, 2828+/-26, calibrated to -900 BC (at 2 sigma OxCal v4.3.2); SUERC-93914 (GU55062) charcoal from souterrain, 1918+/-26, calibrated to 25-210 AD (at 2 sigma OxCal v4.3.2); SUERC-93941 (GU55184) charcoal from Structure 2 ditch, 1609+/-26, calibrated to 415-540 AD (at 2 sigma OxCal v4.3.2);

Architect Details

Architect Details