Aberdeenshire HER - NJ72NW0169 - LOGIE DURNO

Print site NJ72NW0169 Feedback on site NJ72NW0169

Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ72NW0169
NRHE Card No. 
NRHE Numlink
Site Form Documentary Record Only
Site Condition Destroyed
Details A watching brief was undertaken by Cameron Archaeology in two phases during August and September 2016, during a topsoil strip of Trench 4, a section of a cable corridor through the southeastern side of Logie Durno Roman Camp (NJ72NW0050), following on from a walkover survey ahead of cable laying for SSE (NJ62NE0181). The first watching brief of Trench 4 was carried out on August 26th, during the excavation of a rectangular sump measuring 2m wide by 2.5m long, with a maximum depth of approximately 2m, at NJ 70219 27140, adjacent to the road which connects Westerton and Easterton Farms. No archaeological finds or features were recorded. The watching brief continued intermittently between September 1st and 8th, during the excavation of approximately 215m of cable trench, circa 0.6m wide and 1.2m in depth along the same road. At NJ 70314 27040, circa 16m from the steading track, a possible concave ditch cut was noted, which cut into the bedrock. The fill was identified as a midbrown sandy-silty clay with gritty inclusions which typified the soils along the length of the trench. It is possible that this is a natural feature and a reflection of the uneven bedrock surface. A five litre soil sample was taken. The sample though produced nothing of noted interest. No archaeological finds or associated features were noted within the possible ditch, or along the trench to tie into the sump to the northwest. The trench was subsequently backfilled after photographing and recording. It is unlikely that this is the remains of the temporary Roman marching camp ditch and the actual camp perimeter to the immediate east of Easterton Farm remains ambiguous. This trench was south of the watching brief for Trench 3 (NJ72NW0168).
Last Update17/12/2020
Updated Byjnicholson
Date of Compilation10/12/2020

Google Map for NJ72NW0169

National Grid Reference: NJ 7029 2706

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
2016 Watching-Brief

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Samples A five litre soil sample (Sample 1, Fill 42) was taken, from within the possible ditch.
Ecofact Notes The sample produced nothing of interest.

Monument Types