Aberdeenshire HER - NJ72SE0304 - BOYNDS FARM

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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Prehistoric period uncertain A100    
Neolithic (4000 - 2500 BC) B100    
Late Neolithic (3300 BC - 2500 BC) C1003094 BC - 2918 BC   
Bronze Age (2200 BC - 800 BC) D100    
Middle Bronze Age (1800 BC - 1300 BC) E100    
Late Bronze Age (1300 BC - 800 BC) F100    
Iron Age (800 BC - 400 AD) G807 AD - 133 AD   
Early Medieval (400 - 900 AD) H100771 AD - 952 AD   

Period Notes

Period Notes Radiocarbon dates from 2015 Headland excavation: SUERC-60838 (GU37707) Structure M, Ditch, charcoal - 1924+/-29 BP, calibrated to 7 - 133 AD at 2 sigma (Oxcal 4.2 run 06/06/16): SUERC-60834 (GU37706), Structure P pit, 1171+/-26 BP, calibrated to 771 - 952 AD (Oxcal 4.2 run 06/06/16). RC date from cremation pit 2014 Headland excavation gave Late Neolithic date of 3094-2918 cal BC.

Architect Details

Architect Details