Aberdeenshire HER - NJ72SW0012 - DILLY HILL/MIDDLETON

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Cropmark of a possible henge. Broadly circular, with a maximum external diameter of circa 45m it comprises a ditch up to 8m wide, with a causeway or entrance in the southeast and possibly another in the northwest. Aerial photographs show an inner, narrow ditched circular feature, roughly concentric to the outer circle, and with a bulbous feature in the southeast. OS in 1964 noted that it could be seen as a ploughed-down mound but there is now no surface trace.
100 m
200 ft
0, 0
© Crown copyright and database rights 2025 OS AC0000851922

Map Key  HER Legend Key - Standard Standard HER Legend Key - Regional Regional HER Legend Key - Scheduled Scheduled
Scheduled (red) sites are of national importance and are protected by legislation.
Regionally significant (purple) sites are assessed to have importance in a regional context on the basis of their survival and or rarity.
Standard (blue) sites cover all other sites on the HER.
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