Aberdeen City HER - NJ80NE0057 - MUGIEMOSS ROAD

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ80NE0057
NRHE Card No.NJ80NE43
NRHE Numlink 158992
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 1
Details Milestone 4 1/2 on the Aberdeen to Inverurie Canal which ran from Port Elphinstone to Aberdeen harbour. It is cemented to the corner of the wall enclosing 15 Mugiemoss Road. The distances along the canal were marked in milestones and half-milestones. The milestones began their counting at zero from Aberdeen harbour, It is a granite column and is 0.45m high and 0.3m in diameter with a rounded top on which the number '4 1/2' is inscribed on a rounded sloping panel, the number bearing traces of black paint. This milestone is unlikely to be in its original position although has probably not moved far. The Aberdeenshire canal opened in 1805 and carried goods and passengers between Aberdeen and Port Elphinstone, near Inverurie, a distance of 18 miles. The canal provided better transport between Aberdeen and its rural hinterland. Between 1832 and 1838 some of the goods that travelled along the canal included coal, meal, salt, wood and granite. The loads were pulled on barges by two or three horses harnessed in tandem. Passengers could travel, at the rate of 2 pennies per mile, from Port Elphinstone to the Boat House, just south of St Machar Drive and about two miles from Aberdeen harbour. The canal closed in 1854, having been superseded by the Great North of Scotland Railway, which was in part built upon the line of the canal. At this point the canal was built on by the railway line just east of the modern bypass bridge.
Last Update18/04/2019
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation13/09/2017

Google Map for NJ80NE0057

National Grid Reference: NJ 8972 0992

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

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Ecofact Notes

Monument Types

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