Aberdeen City HER - NJ80SE0465 - TOR-NA-DEE HOSPITAL

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ80SE0465
NRHE Card No.NJ80SE102
NRHE Numlink 179995
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Hospital, built in the later 19th Century. The OS 2nd edition shows a Hydropathic Establishment, comprising a single building on a reverse F plan. It was opened on 29 November 1899 and was formally known as Deeside Hydropathic Hospital between 199 and 1918, later becoming the To-Na-Dee Sanitorium, and finally the Tor-Na-Dee Hospital. The east wing was opened in 1920 and there were further additions in the 1970s and 1990s, including on the land to the north, part of which had been occupied by two buildings of Oldfold Farm at the time of the OS 1st edition. A standing building assessment trial trenching evaluation was carried out by AOC in May 2006, in advance of redevelopment. The evaluation comprising a total of 31 trenches: no archaeological features or artefacts were recorded. Standing building survey of the survey was carried out by AOC in July 2006 in advance of redevelopment of the site. A total of 15 buildings were recorded. The original hospital is a multi-bay three storey building of coursed granite with snecked rubble on the south and west elevations. The projecting bays on the east and west have rounded bay windows to ground and first floor with stone decorated parapets. The main entrance was in the central bay of the south elevation, comprising a doorway with arched fanlight above, and flanked by stone columns. The internal rooms of the original building had all undergone modernisation.
Last Update09/04/2019
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation13/09/2017

Google Map for NJ80SE0465

National Grid Reference: NJ 8648 0197

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
2006 Building Recording
2006 Evaluation

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types