Aberdeen City HER - NJ81NW0067 - KINALDIE

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ81NW0067
NRHE Card No. 
NRHE Numlink
HES LB No. 52533
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Canal bridge, of 19th century date. On the boundary between Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City. (See also Aberdeenshire HER NJ81NW0132). Kinaldie Bridge is located south west of Kinaldie Farm and was built to take the Aberdeenshire Canal over the Black Burn. Today the bridge carries a minor road over the burn, from Kinaldie south to join the A96 to Blackburn. The arch of the bridge has a low elliptical shape, with the lowest parts running under the bed of the stream, and measures 17m-east west and 10m-north south. The Aberdeenshire canal ran for 18 1/2 miles from Waterloo Quay to Port Elphinstone, Inverurie, between 1805 and 1854. In 1834 the canal was connected to Aberdeen harbour when a tidal lock was built. Previously goods from the harbour were transferred by road to the canal. When the canal was bought by the Great North of Scotland Railway much of the canal route was redeveloped for the railway lines.
Last Update14/01/2021
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation13/09/2017

Google Map for NJ81NW0067

National Grid Reference: NJ 8325 1528

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types