Aberdeen City HER - NJ91SW0375 - DUBFORD

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ91SW0375
NRHE Card No.NJ91SW5
NRHE Numlink 20332
HES SM No. 3283
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Incomplete
Details Standing stone, possibly the remains of a possible stone circle of which only one stone remains. This standing stone is located in a field a quarter mile west of the Mains of Mundurno. No excavation has taken place to locate the other socket holes, which would indicate whether there were other stones at this location. These monuments consist of the recumbent stone (laid on its side with a levelled top) and flankers (two pillar stones flanking the recumbent) which were placed to frame the rising or setting of the moon in the southern sky seen from the inside of the circle. The Ordnance Survey Name Book (1867) records that six or seven other stones of similar size forming a circle were removed during field clearing. In 1993 the standing stone fell and, following the excavation of the socket by Historic Scotland, it was re-erected. The standing stone is 0.4 metres thick, measures 1.3 metres from north to south and rises to a pointed top at a height of 1.85 metres.
Last Update15/02/2024
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation13/09/2017

Google Map for NJ91SW0375

National Grid Reference: NJ 9400 1309

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types

Monument Type 1Monument Type 2Monument Type 3OrderProbability