Aberdeenshire HER - NJ93SE0062 - ELLON

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Period Details

Period Notes

Period Notes Ancient occupation of this site; Ellon burned during Bruce's harrying; 19thC development stymied by landowner Alexander Gordon; oil-related boom 1970s to present. Riversfield manse late 18thC enlarged 1826, additions1860, divided in two 1978; Old Bank House 1845-7; Bank of Scotland late 19thC; Trough 1895; Veterinary surgery late 19thC with 1980 extension; 33 The Square early 19thC converted to house 1993; Old School 19thC and converted to house 1993; Olrig 1847; Ramornie 1914; St Mary on the Rock Church 1870-1 and added to c.1926; Auchtercrag 1894.

Architect Details

Architect Details Riversfield 1860 and Olrig 1847 D MacAndrew; Bank of Scotland ? A Marshall Mackenzie; 1914 J G Young. St Mary on the Rock- G E Street; rectory by Butterfield; brass door by Hardman; glass by Clayton and Bell; more glass by Lavers and Barreau.