Period Notes |
Radiocarbon samples of wood charcoal from 1977-80 excavations: GU-1824 from interface between midden deposits and infill of Cairn A (providing terminus post quem for cairn construction - 2656+/-140 BP, calibrated to 1021 BC - 379 BC (OxCal 4.2 run 01/11/13); GU-1825 from the base of midden deposits providing an indication of the earliest activity stratified on this part of the site - 3170+/-140 BP, calibrated to 1769 BC - 1047 BC (OxCal 4.2 run 01/11/13); GU-1826 from sample in close liaison with central cremation burial (best indication for date of burial) - 2510+/-125 BP, calibrated to 910 BC - 370 BC (OxCal 4.2 run 01/11/13); GU-1827 from base of midden deposits - 3070+/-140, calibrated to 1630 BC - 933 BC (OxCal 4.2 run 01/11/13).