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Remains of a possible prehistoric burial cairn, on the southern summit of Creigh Hill, depicted on the historic OS maps. In 1970 it was recorded as measuring 13 m in diameter and 1.2 m in height, and has been damaged by shooting-butts. The area of the Cairn was included in a walkover survey conducted by Alder Archaeology in October 2020, in advance of proposed woodland creation (NO25NE0079). The survey recorded the cairn (Feature 55) and noted that the exposed mound of bare stones without a covering of earth, suggests some attempt at unofficial excavation at some point in the more recent past. Several small shelters have been built against the south and southwest sides using material from the cairn, while what appears to have been the central chamber has collapsed. The remains measure 13.9 m northeast-southwest by 7.50 m northwest-southeast, up to 1.10 m tall but generally less. A marker cairn on the southwest summit of the hill, 7.50 m to the northwest of Cairn Plew was probably constructed of material from the monument.