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Remains of field boundaries and clearance cairns recorded during a walkover survey conducted by Alder Archaeology in October 2020, in advance of proposed woodland creation (NO25NE0079). Probably associated with the farmstead shown to the south on the OS 1st edition map (NO25NE0093). The 2nd edition map shows a sheepfold is shown against a field dyke at NO 27826 58190. None of these farmstead features are shown on the current OS edition map. The majority of the field dykes recorded during the walkover survey (Features 34-38, 47, and 49-51) appear on the OS historic maps, demonstrating that the field system was at least of mid-nineteenth century origin, but may well have been considerably older. The spread of clearance cairns recorded as Features 39-46 (NO 27799 58360 to NO 27629 58478) along the northeast boundary of the scheme, possibly combine the recent removal of dykes with older remains. A clearance cairn or building remains, recorded as Feature 48 (NO 27420 58505), is described as a large stone heap, possibly representing the recent removal of dykes, but appearing to have footings visible as earth banks protruding in places, suggesting a rectangular plan indicating a demolished building, measuring 8 m northeast-southwest and 5 m northwest-southeast.