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Remains of a bank, clearance cairns and ponds recorded during walkover survey by Alder Archaeology in May 2023 ahead of proposed woodland creation (NO25NE0092). The bank, following the base of slope, survives in various stages of repair: in some areas there is a clearly defined bank but elsewhere is more ephemeral and overgrown, particularly towards the northwest. It measures circa 1 m wide and up to 0.5 m high. Two clearance cairns were recorded on the west side of the bank, measuring 5 m by 3.5 m (at NO 27779 57476) and 6 m by 4.5 m (at NO 27753 57500). Another circa 5.5 m by 8 m was recorded to the north at NO 27649 57655. Two ponds (at NO 27810 57474 and NO 27721 57478) are linked by a water channel, and to the north are two depressions possibly also formerly a pond. That at NO 27729 57492 may have been a pond, but more recently used for dumping of rubbish. A larger depression to the north contained numerous clearance cairns and some dumped agricultural materials. A collapsed dyke runs down a steep slope between NO 27620 57645 and NO 27607 57659, up to 1 m across.