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Prehistoric, medieval and post medieval features recorded during a watching brief on topsoil stripping and subsequent excavation by CFA in May 2013 on the western and southern area of Phase 4 of sand and gravel extraction, followed by the eastern area being completed by CFA in June 2016. This followed three previous phases of archaeological monitoring (NO35SE0096, NO35SE0083). From the 2013 archaeological work, the earliest features discovered were a domestic timber structure and group of pits dating to the Early to Mid Neolithic period. Further prehistoric remains were found to the south including series of pits containing grooved ware and other domestic material which associated with burnt areas. Nearby an 8-post rectangular structure was uncovered which probably dates to the Late Bronze Age. The excavation recovered a substantial amount of prehistoric pottery, Early Neolithic Carinated Bowl and Middle-Late Neolithic Grooved Ware, and a small assemblage of struck lithics including a flint scraper. On the east side of the stripped area was a Medieval or Post-Medieval corn drying kiln and remains relating to the demolished farmstead of Cranford. This is depicted on the OS 1st and 2nd edition maps as two buildings each with an attached enclosure. Post-Medieval Rig and Furrow was present across the stripped area, which have been recorded continuing to the south (NO35SE0115, NO35SE0096). The 2016 archaeological work to the eastern end of the Phase 4 site recorded a total of twenty-two pit features of various sizes. The pits were predominantly recorded in the southern part of the area, and the majority contained fills consisting very dark humic material, some of which may relate to burning. A post-medieval clay pipe stem, two sherds of Medieval pottery and a fragment from a cast-iron vessel were recovered from one pit. In the absence of dating material from the others, they were considered to relate to earlier small-scale sand and gravel extraction. A curvilinear gully was recorded, possibly representing the remains of an enclosure. Within this two linear gullies were recorded.