Details |
Depopulated settlement on Auchnacraig Hill centred on four longhouses with an enclosure. The longhouses sub-divided into a living area and a byre. Long sinuous rigs running northwest/southeast and northeast/southwest, and with a wavelength of circa 11m focus on the settlement. Other houses lie scattered across slope to the south and south-west. The settlement is enclosed by a head dyke. The settlement is indicated on Robertson's map of northeast Scotland 1822. Seven unroofed buildings and two enclosures are depicted on the OS 1st edition map, nine unroofed buildings are shown on the current OS map. Recorded as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project. The township is identified as Clashmuick on an estate map of 1807-9. See also NO38NW0003 and NO38NW0005. The buildings, which include a kiln barn and winnowing barm, are all very tumbled. The head dyke appears to have been built before the 1807 survey and then altered and added to during the improvement period.