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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNO43NW0050
NRHE Card No.NO43NW50
NRHE Numlink 224017
HES LB No. 19000
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Farmstead (category B-listed) and farmhouse (category C-listed), still in use, formerly the home farm to Gagie House (NO43NW0021). The east and west ranges of the steading are 18th century in date, but may include some mid-17th century materials. The north range of the steading dates from the early 19th century. The farmstead is shown on the 1st edition OS map as a U-plan steading open to the south, with three small buildings and a pump within the court, a horsemill on the north elevation and a rectangular building to the west. To the south of the steading is an enclosure with an L-plan building opposite the steading, and a rectangular building in the southeast corner. On the 2nd edition OS map there are two buildings within the court of the steading, forming an E-plan. The building to the west has been shortened, a new rectangular building has been added to the north and two to the southwest. The L-plan building to the south is now within its own smaller enclosure. Current maps show the buildings within the steading have been incorporated or replaced by larger buildings that fill the whole court, and the horsemill has been removed. The smaller associated buildings have similarly been replaced or incorporated into larger buildings. The L-plan building to the south has been removed. The north and east ranges of the steading remain in their 18th and 19th century form, but the western range was partially demolished and renewed in the mid-20th century. The earlier ranges are constructed from rubble and Aberdeen bond masonry, with droved and margined ashlar dressings. The 20th century alterations are mainly of brick and harl. There are piended grey slate and asbestos roofs. The north range has a cart shed, granary, threshing mill, cart-arches and a pend arch. Within the return gable there is a panel with three blocked diamond-shaped apertures that may be a former dovecot. The machinery and floor of the threshing mill have been removed. The C-listed farmhouse is shown to the east of the L-plan building. It was originally located in the west of Scotland, built as a World War I barrack block in around 1916. The building was moved to this site and internally remodelled in around 1920. It is a single-storey, rectangular, two-skin boarded timber building with rubble footings, clad with corrugated metal. It also features harled brick stacks.
Last Update15/05/2020
Updated Byjnicholson
Date of Compilation16/01/2017

Google Map for NO43NW0050

National Grid Reference: NO 4472 3757

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

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Monument Types

Monument Type 1Monument Type 2Monument Type 3OrderProbability