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Site of two mansions. According to the antiquarian Warden, the site of the original 16th century mansion of Fotheringham, built shortly after the Fotheringhams inherited the Barony of Inverarity early in the 16th century was erected on the site of the old Kirkton after the church had been removed from its old site (see NO44SE0002). The house of Fotheringham stood a short distance from the confluence of two streams which, when united, take the name of Kerbet. The old house was demolished, and a new one 'built a short way off', in 1861. When visited by the OS in 1958, local enquiries failed to reveal the original site of the 16th century Fotheringham House, although the farmer at the Home Farm stated that a former house stood on the mound nearby - taken to be the site of the old church of Inverarity. The 1861 mansion was demolished in 1953 and only a pile of rubble existed at its site in 1958. The (circa 1846) 1st edition OS map shows Fotheringham House as a rectangular structure or group of buildings, aligned north-south with a possible court at the north end, by the (circa 1888) 2nd edition map this building or group of buildings have been removed and a different design of mansion, arranged east-west, is shown. It appears likely that these two different designs are the two mansions referred to. The site of both houses appears to have been planted with trees. Set within the designed landscape (NO44SE0070).