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Site of a short cist. Discovered during ploughing operations in December 1966. It was covered with two grey sandstone slabs just over 30.5 cm below ground level. Measuring internally 1.12 m long, 76 cm wide, and 61 cm deep, it was of unusual construction, as its sides were made up of several sandstone slabs rather than the usual single slab. The floor of the cist was a large thin sandstone slab, which ran under the end-stones but stopped short of the side-stones. It contained a crouched inhumation, with the skull in the east-northeast corner, accompanied by a beaker and several stone items. The beaker is 19.3 cm high and has comb impressions and incisions. The stone items included: the butt end of a polished stone axe of shale 4 cm long, also a disc-shaped quartz pebble burnisher, a flint knife 7.2 cm long, two other fragments of a flint fabricator or knife circa 9 cm long, two scrapers, one blunted 5 cm long, the other 2.6 cm long and nine further struck flints, two having a small amount of retouch. The contents of the cist were donated to Dundee Museum.