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Mansion, still in use, built in circa 1790, with circa 1825-30 additions. It is named St Ann's Cottage on the OS 1st and 2nd edition maps, now known as St Ann's. It is a rubble-built, single-storey mansion. The walls were originally harled, but this has since been removed. The main South-facing frontage has five bays, with the second and fourth forming large bows, flanking an entrance that is surmounted by a fanlight. It is built on a U-plan, with the rear wings joined at the North by a semi-circular rear service wing forming an enclosed court, partially filled by further rear wings. It has piended slate roofs and ridge stacks. To the South of the house is a small copper sundial from 1723, surmounted on a 19th century shaft (NO 56753 59826). To the Southwest of the house is a walled garden (NO 56564 59748), with St Ann's well set into the South wall (NO55NE0001). There are various buildings around the Eastern wall of the garden, including a T-plan building shown as offices on the 1862 1st edition OS map (NO 56571 59784), and now marked as having been stables. There is a Lodge and gates to the East of the walled garden (NO55NE0031), now in use as cottages. The main gates to the mansion are directly to the South of it (NO55NE0032), but are no longer in use.