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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
17th Century D100    
Medieval (1100 - 1560 AD) A60    
Post-Medieval (from 1560 AD) B100    
16th Century C100    
18th Century E100 1790  
19th Century F100 1880  

Period Notes

Period Notes Built in the late-16th century. There were interior alterations during the 17th century, and there is a communion table and chair dated 1623. the house was recast in circa 1700. There is a coat of arms dated 1714, and in circa 1790 the stair-hall was added to the rear. In circa 1880, there were rear additions and a loggia added to the frontage. There were also alterations to the dormers in the 19th century. It was listed on 11/06/1971.

Architect Details

Architect Details