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Bronze hoard. The reputed hoard from Findowrie was owned by W B Carnegy-Arbuthnott, of which a Middle Bronze Age Flanged Axe and a Dirk have been on loan to Brechin Museum since 1966. The axe is a flanged axe with loop (Coles' Class III, reclassified by Burgess and Schmidt as a Findowrie type axe). Its dimensions are circa 123mm long, 27mm wide at the butt and circa 50mm wide at the cutting edge. Dirk with trapezoidal butt, slender blade and two rivet-holes, 17.1cm long, 5.4cm wide. The information relating to the findspot comes from an OS 6 inch map annotated by amateur archaeologist F A Ferguson, to Ordnance Survey, January 1954 as follows 'Bronze socketed axe with loop - locus not known'. This is presumably a mistaken reference to the flanged axe and bronze dagger.