Angus HER - NO64NE0016 - NEWBARNS

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Feature: NO64NE0016 - NEWBARNS
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Cropmarks of a natural feature, previously interpreted as a souterrain with the remains of a surface structure close by. Recorded by CUCAP in 1951 and by the RCAHMS from 1976 onwards. The kidney-shaped cropmark measures is sited on a gentle south-facing slope and measured 25 m x 5 m, It was excavated by CFA in September 1998 when it was proved that this cropmark was in fact a modern feature circa 1 m deep with a highly organic fill which included modern glass, pottery and metal fragments.
100 m
200 ft
0, 0
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Map Key  HER Legend Key - Standard Standard HER Legend Key - Regional Regional HER Legend Key - Scheduled Scheduled
Scheduled (red) sites are of national importance and are protected by legislation.
Regionally significant (purple) sites are assessed to have importance in a regional context on the basis of their survival and or rarity.
Standard (blue) sites cover all other sites on the HER.
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