Angus HER - NO64NE0018 - NEWBARNS

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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Neolithic (4000 - 2500 BC) A100    
Bronze Age (2200 BC - 800 BC) B1002285 BC - 1768 BC   
Early Medieval (400 - 900 AD) C80706 AD - 1020 AD   
Iron Age (800 BC - 400 AD) D100747 BC - 228 BC   

Period Notes

Period Notes C14 dates : AA-47741 Charred barley grain from fill of re-cut pit in pit-circle. BP 1150 +/-60, d13C -24.8. AA-47742 Charred barley grain from same context as AA-47741. BP 1145 +/-55, d13C -21.3. AA-47743 Charred barley grain from basal primary fill of pit. BP 1180 +/-50, d13C -23.7. AA-47744 Charred barley grain from same context as AA-47744. BP 1145 +/-45, d13C -23.4. AA-47745 Charred barley grain from secondary use of the pit. BP 1215 +/-45, d13C -22.7. AA-47746 Charred barley grain, same context as AA-47745. BP 1095 +/-60, d13C -21.4. AA-47747 Charred barley grain from silty layer of a rectilinear ditch feature. Layer sealed by undisturbed final fill. Part of cache of grain from processing a single episode of crop processing. BP 1100 +/- 50, d13C -20.7. AA-47748 Charred barley grain from same context as AA-47747. BP 1085 +/-45, d13C -21.4. AA-47749 Birch charcoal from one of group of pits within a curvilinear ditch. Fill also contained fragments of Beaker pottery. BP 3645 +/-85, d13C -28.0. AA-47750 Heather stem from stake filled hollow (probably deliberately backfilled) immediately overlying a compacted occupation layer. BP 2350 +/-50, d13C-27.2.

Architect Details

Architect Details