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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Post-Medieval (from 1560 AD) A100    
Modern (1900 - 2050) B100    
17th Century C100    
19th Century D100 1830  
19th Century E100 1885  
20th Century F100 1986  

Period Notes

Period Notes It may be the site of a monastic grange, mentioned in 1601. The dovecot was built in the 17th century, and the mansion was built in 1827-30, with major additions and alterations in 1881-5, and smaller additions and alterations in 1887 and circa 1900. The timber range was built in 1986. The dovecot was listed on 11/06/1971, and the mansion on 15/01/1980.

Architect Details

Architect Details Built by Archibald Simpson. The 1881-5 additions and alterations were started by John Robertson, whose poor health requred John Rhind to take over. The 1887 work was done by Alexander Ross, and the 1986 work by Edward Taylor.