Angus HER - NO65NE0021 - DUN

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNO65NE0021
NRHE Card No.NO65NE21
NRHE Numlink 35673
HES SM No. 4376
Site Form Crop Mark (Includes Soil Mark)
Site Condition AP visible Only
Details Cropmarks of a temporary Roman camp recorded by CUCAP in 1960 and by the RCAHMS since 1976 and AAS since 2003. After observing a small enclosure measuring 200 m x 150 m (545 ft east-west by 660 ft, 8 acres in area), with rounded corners and two gates, one each in the east and west sides. J. K. St Joseph identified it as a Roman camp and this was confirmed by the V-shaped ditch exposed in two trial sections dug in 1960, one of which yielded a piece of late 1st century Samian ware near the bottom of the silt filling. In 1990 the camp was threatened by a replacement of the gas main along the A935, which cuts through the centre of the camp. Two areas were excavated along the line of the new pipe, where it would pass through the camp ditch. A section of the west ditch was excavated on the south of the road. It had an 'ankle breaker' profile, V-shaped with a square slot along the bottom, and had rapidly silted (the ditch re-silted to a quarter depth during the two days it was open) after cutting before being deliberately backfilled. St Joseph's transcription of the camp proved to be inaccurate, the west ditch being 30 m west of its supposed position and 8 m outside of the scheduled area. No features of the interior of the camp were discovered and the excavators suggest that even the deepest pits had been removed by agricultural activity within the small areas examined. The second area to be investigated, at the east of the camp and to the north of the road, again the ditch lay further west than on St Joseph's transcription. The ditch was 1.27 m wide and 1.53 m deep and mostly filled with brown sand. The area of the east ditch proved to have already been disturbed by existing gas and water mains in this area. The only finds were some cereal grains discovered in the west ditch. During aerial reconnaissance in 2008 by AAS a ring ditch was identified within the camp area as a cropmark centred on NO 6878 5960.
Last Update26/08/2024
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation23/11/2009

Google Map for NO65NE0021

National Grid Reference: NO 6888 5950

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
1960 Excavation
1990 Excavation

Excavations and Surveys

Date MDate YTypeDurationDirector / OrganisationAuspicesFundExtent
 1990  I M RodgersHBMBG 
 1973  J K ST JOSEPH   
 1960  J K St Joseph   

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types

Monument Type 1Monument Type 2Monument Type 3OrderProbability