Angus HER - NO65SE0018 - RED CASTLE

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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Neolithic (4000 - 2500 BC) A100    
Iron Age (800 BC - 400 AD) B10080 AD - 470 AD   
Early Medieval (400 - 900 AD) C100440 AD - 780 AD   

Period Notes

Period Notes Radiocarbon dates : OxA-8140 Left femur from long cist burial, square barrow (SB1) : BP 1580 +/- 35, d13C -20.6 (400 to 570 cal AD). OxA-8141 right clavicle from long cist burial in square barrow (SB1) : BP 1565 +/- 40, d13C -20.6 (410 to 600 cal AD). OxA-8142 left femur from long cist in square barrow (SB2) : BP 1455 +/- 35, d13C -20.5 (540 to 660 cal AD). OxA-8143 left femur from long cist burial : BP 1305 +/-35, d13C -21.1 (660 to 780 cal AD). OxA-8144 tooth from long cist burial in round barrow (RB2) : BP 1470 +/- 40, d13C -20.5 (440 to 660 cal AD). OxA-8383 cranial fragments from long cist burial in square barrow (SB3) : BP 1385 +/- 35, d13C -20.6 (600 to 710 cal AD). OxA-8412 tooth from long cist burial in round barrow (RB1) : BP 1815 +/- 40, d13C -20.4 (80 to 340 cal AD). OxA-10162 Left femur from human burial in the long cist. Same sample as OxA-8142 (combined provide an age of BP 1440+/-25). BP 1426 +/-36, d13C-20.5. OxA-8413 tooth from long cist burial : BP 1675 +/- 40, d13C -20.7 (240 to 470 cal AD). OxA-10163 left femur from long cist burial. This is from the same burial as OxA-8413. BP 1661 +/- 36, d13C -21.06. OxA-10167 tooth from human long cist burial. BP 1544 +/- 36, d13C -20.66. AA-46460 Human clavicle from cist 250. BP 1055 +/-55, d13C -18.7. AA-46461 Right femur from grave 252. BP 1285 +/-50, d13C -22.0. AA-46462 Rib fragment from grave 259. BP 1475 +/-50, d13C -20.08. AA-46463 Charred barley grain from lower fill of the souterrain within the entrance passage. BP 1895 +/-50, d13C -23.8. AA-46464 Charred barley grain from primary fill of the western end of the souterrain. BP 1845 +/-45, d13C -24.2. AA-46465 Charred barley grain from same context as AA-46464. BP 1760 +/-50, d13C -24.1. Aa-46466 Charred barley grain from lowest fill of the entrance of the souterrain. BP 1885 +/-50, d13C -22.2. AA-46467 Charred barley grain from same context as AA-46466. BP 1845 +/-45, d13C -22.5. AA-46468 Charred barley grain from lower fill of middle section of the souterrain. BP 1885 +/-55, d13C -23.4. AA-46469 Charred grain from fill of s post-hole in the base of the souterrain. BP 1815 +/-50, d13C -22.9.

Architect Details

Architect Details