Angus HER - NO65SE0023 - IRONSHILL

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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Prehistoric period uncertain A100    
Iron Age (800 BC - 400 AD) B90800 BC - 200 BCAD   
Iron Age (800 BC - 400 AD) B100100 BC - 140 AD   

Period Notes

Period Notes C14 dates : GU-1981 Charcoal from fill of post-hole associated with the entrance to House 1. BP 1970 +/-50 (110 cal BC to 140 AD). GU-1982 Carbonized twigs from burnt debris of House 2. BP 2340 +/-50 (800 to 200 cal BC).

Architect Details

Architect Details