Period Notes |
Used by Kenneth III at time of his murder in 994. Present ruins are 13thC. First Royal charter granted by Alexander I to the town of Stirling, was dated "at Kyncardyn, 18th August 1119" Mentioned in 1212 and again 1296 with the drafting of John Balliol's redignation of the crown. David II stayed there in 1341. Robert II held his courts there and issued charters dated 1371, 1375 and 1383. James IV paid visits in 1507 and 1511. Queen Mary halted at the castle on her tour in 1562. The Strachans of Thornton occupied the castle, by charter of James VI, from 1601 till its demolition in 1646. Radiocarbon date from excavations 2013, sample from pig bone: SUERC-48407 (GU31683) - 885 +/- 34 BP (calibrated to 1039 - 1022 AD, calculated using OxCal 4.2, 28/10/13). Radiocarbon date SUERC-49788 (GU32352) from animal bone - 277 +/- 30 BP, calibrated to 1513-1797 AD (calculated using OxCal 4.2, 14/05/14). MERLF (wood-charcoal mortar-entrapped relict limekiln fuels) samples: SUERC-84391 903+/-24, calibrated to 1039-1206 AD; SUERC-84392, 850+/-21, calibrated to 1155-1250 AD; SUERC-84392, 949+/-24, calibrated to 1025-1155 AD.