Period Notes |
GU-4402 Hazel, alder and birch charcoal from a pit, containing fragments of pottery including what may be Grooved Ware, and grain, outside a ring cairn, 4680 BP +/- 80 (which equals 3646 BC - 3125 BC at 2 sigma). GU-4396 hazel, alder and birch charcoal from one of four cremations in an area later occupied by a ring cairn, 3020 BP +/- 50 (1410 BC - 1126 BC at 2 sigma). GU-4397 Hazel, alder and birch charcoal from the old ground surface under a ring cairn, 3100 BP +/- 50 (1494 BC - 1220 BC at 2 sigma). GU-4398 Hazel, alder and birch charcoal from one of four cremations in an area later occupied by a ring cairn 2970 BP +/- 50 (1378 BC - 1041 BC at 2 sigma). GU-4399 Hazel, alder and birch charcoal from a pre-enclosure burnt deposit including burnt bone and cereal grain, 3070 BP +/- 60 (1489 BC - 1130 BC at 2 sigma). GU-4400 Hazel, alder and birch charcoal from providing a terminus post quem for a small central ring-slot enclosure in the middle of, and earlier than, the ring cairn, 3020 +/- 70 (1494 BC - 1127 BC at 2 sigma). GU-4401 Hazel, alder and birch charcoal from a pit, in which was cremated mammal bone, under a ring cairn, 2970 BP +/- 50 (1378 BC - 1041 BC at 2 sigma). The above calibrated dates are derived from OxCal 4.1