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Period Details

PeriodOrderProbabilityRadiocarbon DatesDate BuiltDate of DestructionDate of Loss
Post-Medieval (from 1560 AD) A100    
Modern (1900 - 2050) B100    
19th Century C100    
20th Century D100    

Period Notes

Period Notes Built in the early-19th century. Restored in the 1970s. Listed 26/01/1971. The 2017 SBS states it was built 'at some time during the decade 1797-1807', but does not note a source for this information. Two coins recovered are not enough to give a solid date but based on these and the broad types of material a 20th century date seems likely for most of the finds assemblage, although some objects may date back to the 19th century. This fits with the objects belonging to the last use of the cobbles before they were abandoned and became buried.

Architect Details

Architect Details