A to Z of waste and recyclable items
Aerosol tins
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty.
Air freshener (aerosol)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty.
Aluminium trays
Orange lid recycling bin
Remove food and other dirt from any foil packaging or trays.
Aluminium/Tin foil
Orange lid recycling bin
Remove food and other dirt from any foil packaging or trays.
Animal waste
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Waste transfer stations (Banchory, Ellon, Macduff)
Householders only, this is not available for businesses. View how to dispose of asbestos.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services. To avoid the risk of fire, remember to allow all ash to cool first and then bag it before attempting to dispose of it.
Baby wipes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Baking tray
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition. You can also put them in a scrap metal container at one of our recycling centres.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Batteries (household)
Battery recycling bag
Place place your batteries in the battery recycling bag and leave it on top of either your recycling or waste bin for collection.
Bikes, bicycles
Recycling centres
Bikes are accepted at Alford recycling centre, Banchory recycling centre, Ellon recycling centre, Huntly recycling centre, Laurencekirk recycling centre, Macduff recycling centre, Peterhead recycling centre, Portlethen recycling centre and Stonehaven recycling centre to be recycled, refurbished, and provide low cost and free access to cycling through a local charity. bicycles are easily damaged if thrown into storage and can take longer to uplift and repair. When dropping off bikes at recycling centres, please place them neatly into the shipping containers provided (where available).
Biscuit tins
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Black bags
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Black plastic trays
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Blister packs
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Books (hard back)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition.
Books (soft back only)
Blue lid recycling bin
You can donate books to charity shops if they are in a good condition.
Bottle tops
Orange lid recycling bin
Wash lid before recycling.
Recycling centres
Rubble skip.
Blue lid recycling bin
Remove any plastic wrapping.
Bubble wrap
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Recycling centres
Rigid plastic container at Peterhead recycling centre and Ellon recycling centre only.
Bulky items
Recycling centres
Not accepted at Insch and Portsoy recycling centres. Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition, if not place in the relevant skip at one of our recycling centres.
Butter tubs
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Car battery
Recycling centres
There are separate car battery containers at recycling centres.
Cardboard (including cardboard boxes and packaging)
Blue lid recycling bin
Flatten the cardboard.
Recycling centres
Not accepted at Insch and Portsoy recycling centres. Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition, if not place in the waste skip at one of our recycling centres.
Carrier bags
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Cartons (Tetra Pak)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Not accepted
Can be returned to the manufacturer or supplier and some charities will accept them too.
Cat litter
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition.
Cereal boxes
Blue lid recycling bin
Flatten the cardboard before putting it in the bin.
Cleaning product bottle (plastic)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Cling film
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Clinical waste
Not accepted
Please contact the NHS for advice on disposal.
Recycling centres, Glass and textiles recycling points
Clothes can be disposed of in textile banks at recycling points and centres regardless of condition but they can also be donated to charity if still usable.
Coffee cups (disposable plastic and paper)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure it is empty and dry.
Coffee grounds
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Coffee machine pods
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure it is clean and empty of any granules.
Compostable food packaging
Food waste caddy
Compostable containers only such as: food containers, cutlery, coffee and drinks cups. These items must have the leaf compostable symbol on them to be placed in the food waste bin. Items that are classed as “biodegradable” are not the same as compostable and should be placed in the black waste bin (for non-recyclable waste).
Recycling centres
Computers can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition, if not you can place them in the WEEE container. Please ensure all data is wiped.
Cooked food
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Cooking oil
Recycling centres
Make sure the cooking oil is clean. Use correct oil container at recycling centres.
Cosmetic bottles (glass)
Glass and textiles recycling points
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Cosmetic bottles (plastic)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Crisp bags
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Crisp tubes (with cardboard or paper bottom)
Blue lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean. Put the plastic cap in the orange bin.
Crisp tubes (with metal bottom)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Dead flowers or plants
Recycling centres, Seasonal garden waste collection points
Flowers can be put in a composter. Smaller flowers can be placed in your food waste caddy.
Deodorant can
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty.
Detergent plastic bottles
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Dog waste
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Cannot be recycled.
Drainage pipes
Recycling centres
Rigid plastic container at Peterhead recycling centre and Ellon recycling centre only.
Drink cans
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Drink carton
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Drinking glasses
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Can be donated to a charity if in a suitable condition. Cannot be accepted in textile banks.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition.
Recycling centres
Can be accepted in the specialised drums at recycling centres, preferably with battery removed. The drums are separate to the WEEE container and will safely store vapes or e-cigarettes by layering them with vermiculite.
Earth and rubble
Recycling centres
Remove wood, metal, wires and glass, place in a rubble or soil skip as appropriate.
Egg boxes
Blue lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Egg shells
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Recycling centres
If in a suitable condition and with all parts and plugs, can be donated to a charity directly or via a reuse container at Banchory, Ellon, Laurencekirk, Macduff, Stonehaven, Portlethen, or Peterhead household recycling centres. If not place in the WEEE container at a recycling centre or take it to one of our locations with a WEEE container for small items.
Engine oil
Recycling centres
Not accepted at Insch recycling centre. When recycling engine oil it should be stored in a sealed container and not mixed with any other substance as this makes it difficult to recycle. Use correct oil container at your local household recycling centre.
Envelopes (including windows)
Blue lid recycling bin
Face wipes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Please soak your unwanted fireworks in water before putting into your bin.
Fish and chip boxes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services (card fish and chips boxes are too contaminated, polystyrene is not recyclable).
Fish bones
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Not accepted
Please contact your local coastguard for advice on disposal of flares.
Recycling centres, Seasonal garden waste collection points, Home Composter
Flowers can be put in a composter. Smaller flowers can be placed in your food waste caddy.
Fluorescent tubes
Recycling centres
Can be put into the lamp recycling container.
Food bags (plastic) for example: bread, frozen foods.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Food tins
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Food trays (not polystyrene)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Food trays (polystyrene)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Food waste
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Fridges and freezers
Recycling centres
Please ensure all food is removed first, then put into the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) area at a recycling centre or if in a suitable condition give to charity.
Fruit peelings
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items (stickers).
Recycling centres
Not accepted at Insch and Portsoy recycling centres. If in a suitable condition, can be donated to a charity directly or via a reuse container at Banchory, Ellon, Laurencekirk, Macduff, Stonehaven, Portlethen, or Peterhead household recycling centres. Otherwise, can be put in a waste skip at one of our recycling centres.
Furniture polish can
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Garden equipment
Recycling centres
If in a suitable condition, can be donated to a charity directly or via a reuse container at Banchory, Ellon, Laurencekirk, Macduff, Stonehaven, Portlethen, or Peterhead household recycling centres. If not, can be put in a waste skip at one of our recycling centres.
Garden waste
Recycling centres, Seasonal garden waste collection points
Remove contaminants including plastic sacks, stones, plant pots and fencing material.
Gas cylinders
Recycling centres
Gas cylinder cage at recycling centre.
Glass (bottles and jars)
Recycling centres, Glass and textiles recycling points
Separate the glass into colours (purple or pink glass can go in the green glass container). You can also take it to any glass recycling point.
Glass panes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
It can't be recycled. You can put it in a waste skip at a recycling centre or black bin at home.
Greeting cards (containing glitter)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services as glitter causes contamination. You can remove back of the card if it is glitter free.
Greeting cards (without glitter)
Blue lid recycling bin
Make sure there is no glitter.
Hairspray (aerosol)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure it is empty.
Hand Sanitizer (plastic containers)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure it is empty and clean.
Hand wash bottle
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure it is empty and clean.
Hardback books
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition.
Recycling centres
Rubble skip.
Hazardous chemicals
Not accepted
Contact waste management organisations to arrange disposal.
Helium gas bottles and cylinders
Recycling centres
Gas cylinder cage at recycling centre.
Not accepted
Local pharmacies can recycle inhalers.
Ink cartridges
Not accepted
Can be returned to the manufacturer or supplier and some charities will accept these.
Insulation (such as loft, wall, floor)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
It can't be recycled. You can put it in a waste skip at a recycling centre or black bin at home.
Jam jar lids
Glass and textiles recycling points, Orange lid recycling bin
Lids go into the orange lid bins, or they can stay on the jars and be recycled at glass recycling points.
Japanese knotweed
Not accepted
Contact a specialist waste management contractor for this specific plant disposal.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition.
Jiffy bags
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, please reuse.
Junk mail
Blue lid recycling bin
Remove any plastic wrapping.
Kitchen paper towels
Food waste caddy
Small amounts of paper towels can be taken in the food caddy.
Kitchen roll tubes
Blue lid recycling bin
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
Please wrap items thoroughly if disposing of in your black bin or scrap metal skip at recycling centres or reuse.
Laminated paper
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Laundry basket
Recycling centres
Rigid plastic container at Peterhead recycling centre and Ellon recycling centre only, or general waste skip at other sites.
Lead acid batteries
Recycling centres
Local garages can dispose of car parts. Don't mix with household batteries if disposing at a recycling centre.
Recycling centres, Seasonal garden waste collection points
Use the green waste skip at the recycling centre or summer garden waste points or compost at home.
Light bulbs (energy saving)
Recycling centres
Can be put into the container for bulbs at recycling centre.
Light bulbs (filament)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
Currently can't be recycled through our services. You can put it in a waste skip in a recycling centre.
Blue lid recycling bin
Remove any plastic packaging.
Meat bones
Food waste caddy
Remove packaging.
Meat trays
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Not accepted
Return to your local pharmacy.
Metallic wrapping paper
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Recycling centres
Scrap metal unit.
Milk bottles (plastic)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Mobile phones
Recycling centres
Can be put into the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) container at a recycling centre. Please ensure all data is removed. If in good order, you can take them to a charity shop.
Nappies (disposable)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Needles (hypodermic)
Not accepted
Please don't put into any council bin. NHS accepts needles and your prescribing pharmacist should supply a sharp safe bin or needle exchange.
Blue lid recycling bin
Oil tins
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
All oil should be removed and tin cleaned.
Out of date food
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items (packaging).
Padded envelopes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, please reuse.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Note, all paint should be either removed or dried. If you have tins of water-based paint, leave the lid off so the paint can go hard before putting them in your refuse bin. For oil-based paint, mix the paint with sawdust or cat litter first and then leave to dry before disposal.
Painted paper or card
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Blue lid recycling bin
Make sure it is clean and dry.
Paper napkins
Food waste caddy
Paperback books
Blue lid recycling bin
Can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition.
Not accepted
Follow manufacturer instruction.
Pet food
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Pet food pouches
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Phone books
Blue lid recycling bin
Remove plastic packaging.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Can be donated to an animal charity if in a suitable condition. Cannot be accepted in textile banks.
Pizza box
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
The top of the box can be put into your blue bin if it is not at all greasy.
Plant pots (ceramic)
Recycling centres
Rubble skip.
Plant pots (flexible plastic)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Flexible plant pots that can be squashed (seedling trays) can’t be recycled so should go in the black household refuse bin.
Plant pots (hard plastic)
Recycling centres, Orange lid recycling bin
Put softer plastic pots in the orange bin. Harder plastic pots can go to the rigid plastic container at Peterhead recycling centre and Ellon recycling centre only. Make sure they are clean and dry.
Recycling centres, Seasonal garden waste collection points
Recycling centres
Not accepted at Alford, Insch, Portsoy and Westhill recycling centres. Make sure it's clean and free of any tiles or dirt.
Plastic bags
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Plastic bottles
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Plastic cups (disposable)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Plastic lids
Orange lid recycling bin
Put back on the bottle once air is squashed out.
Plastic netting, for example: fruit and veg nets
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Plastic pots
Recycling centres, Orange lid recycling bin
Put in the orange bin if the plastic is not rigid. If rigid, these can go in the rigid plastic container at Peterhead recycling centre and Ellon recycling centre only. Make sure they are clean and dry.
Plastic straws
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Plastic trays
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Plastic tubes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Plastic tubs
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Plastic wrapping or film
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Polystyrene expanded (EPS)
Recycling centres
Can be recycled at Alford, Banchory, Ellon, Fraserburgh, Inverurie, Peterhead, Portlethen, Stonehaven, and Westhill recycling centres. Please note only shape molded packaging, usually used for electronics, blocks and planks of filled material, clean packaging boxed and packaging balls are accepted.
Pots and pans
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
Please take pots and pans to the scrap metal skip at your local household recycling centre. Any glass lids can go separately into the general waste skip. If they are in a suitable condition, they could also be given to charity.
Pressurised containers
Recycling centres
Includes gas bottles such as LPG and camping gas, fire extinguishers and similar potentially dangerous containers. Make sure they are empty.
Pyrex glass
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Recycling centres, Glass and textiles recycling points
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Waste skip.
Rechargeable batteries
Battery recycling bag
Please place your batteries in the battery recycling bag and leave it on top of either your recycling or waste bin lid for collection.
Recyclable material contaminated in food
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services. Food contaminated card can be home composted.
Rice, pasta and pizza
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Rotten food
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Recycling centres
Rubble skip.
Sandwich packets (plastic and paper)
Orange lid recycling bin
Made of paper, plastic or both. Put in the orange bin. Clean off food residue.
Sanitary products
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Sauce bottles (glass)
Glass and textiles recycling points
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Sauce bottles (plastic)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Scrap metal
Recycling centres
Scrap metal unit.
Shampoo bottles (plastic)
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Sheet glass
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
It cannot currently be recycled through our services. You can put it in a waste skip at a recycling centre.
Recycling centres, Glass and textiles recycling points
Tie shoes together to keep in pairs. If in a suitable condition, can be donated to a charity directly or via a reuse container at Banchory, Ellon, Laurencekirk, Macduff, Stonehaven, Portlethen, or Peterhead household recycling centres.
Shredded paper
Blue lid recycling bin
Make sure it is clean, dry and wrapped in either newspaper or cereal boxes to prevent litter.
Small electrical appliances
Recycling centres
If in a suitable condition and with all parts and plugs, can be donated to a charity directly or via a reuse container at Banchory, Ellon, Laurencekirk, Macduff, Stonehaven, Portlethen, or Peterhead household recycling centres. If not place in the WEEE container at a recycling centre or take it to one of our locations with a WEEE container for small items.
Smoke alarms
Recycling centres
You can put them in a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) container.
Soft plastic tubes (such as toothpaste)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Recycling centres
Soil skip.
Not accepted
Can be donated to charity or prescribing optician.
Sports equipment
Recycling centres
If in a suitable condition, can be donated to a charity directly or via a reuse container at Banchory, Ellon, Laurencekirk, Macduff, Stonehaven, Portlethen, or Peterhead household recycling centres. If not, can be put in a waste skip at one of our recycling centres.
Recycling centres
Rubble skip.
Straws (paper)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Sweet packets (plastic)
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Sweet tin
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Not accepted
Please don't put syringes into any council bin. NHS accepts them and your prescribing pharmacist should supply a sharp safe bin or needle exchange.
Tablet blister packs
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Tablet bottles
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.
Not accepted
Return to your pharmacy.
Tea bags
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items (staples or string).
Recycling centres
Can be disposed of at textile banks at recycling points regardless of condition but can also be donated to charity if in a suitable condition.
Till receipts
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Till receipts are printed on thermal paper which can't be recycled.
Tin foil
Orange lid recycling bin
Remove food and other dirt from any foil packaging or trays.
Food waste caddy
Small amounts of paper tissue can be taken in the food caddy.
Toilet roll tubes
Blue lid recycling bin
Make sure it is clean and dry.
Not accepted
Can be returned to the manufacturer or supplier and some charities will accept these.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Toothpaste tubes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
If in a suitable condition, can also be donated to a charity directly or via a reuse container at Banchory, Ellon, Laurencekirk, Macduff, Stonehaven, Portlethen, or Peterhead household recycling centres. Alternatively, if made of rigid plastic, can go into rigid plastic container at Peterhead recycling centre and Ellon recycling centre only.
Recycling centres
Soil skip.
Waste transfer stations (Banchory, Ellon, Macduff)
Householders only, this is not available for businesses. View how to dispose of tyres.
Uncooked food
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items (packaging).
Recycling centres
If cannot be reused put in a waste skip.
Recycling centres
Can be accepted in the specialised drums at recycling centres, preferably with battery removed. The drums are separate to the WEEE container and will safely store vapes or e-cigarettes by layering them with vermiculite.
Vegetable oil
Recycling centres
Ensure correct oil container is used at recycling centre.
Vegetable peelings
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items (stickers).
Food waste caddy
Remove any non-food items.
Video cases
Orange lid recycling bin
Please remove the paper insert, which can also be recycled.
Video tapes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Video cassettes cannot be recycled.
Vinyl flooring
Recycling centres
If cannot be reused put in a waste skip.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
Water filters
Not accepted
Can be returned to manufacturer to be recycled.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste), Recycling centres
You can put it in a waste skip at a recycling centre.
Wet wipes
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services.
White bin bags
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services, but can be recycled with soft plastics at some local supermarkets. Please check your local supermarket for information on what they can accept.
Window panes
Recycling centres
Put it in a waste skip at a recycling centre.
Recycling centres
Remove any nails and screws.
Wooden flooring
Recycling centres
If cannot be reused put in a wood skip.
Black bin (non-recyclable waste)
Currently can't be recycled through our services but can be donated to charity if in a suitable condition.
Wrapping paper
Blue lid recycling bin
Can be recycled if it scrunches and stays compressed, springy wrapping paper with plastic content cannot be recycled.
Yellow Pages
Blue lid recycling bin
Remove any plastic packaging.
Yogurt pots
Orange lid recycling bin
Make sure they are empty and clean.