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Remains of railway station. This station, a single platform terminal station, was the Montrose terminal of the Caledonian Railway. branch lines serving Strathmore and the Mearns. It was opened (as Montrose Station) by the Aberdeen Railway. on 17 September 1849, directly superceding an unlocated predecessor which was opened by the same company on 1 February 1848. It was closed regular passenger traffic by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway. on 30 April 1934, trains being diverted to the present station. The surviving building is a 2-storey, 3-bay structure with 1-storey, 4-bay wings. The ground-floor openings are all round-headed. Constructed of sandstone ashlar with contrasting ashlar dressings and quoins, chamfered and moulded margins and battered cills. Now occupied as dwelling house, nos 1-4 Caledonian House (also known as Railway Place). Enclosed by a squared rubble boundary wall with coping and square section and capped gatepiers to north. All other buildings demolished and much of the site has been redeveloped with housing. A railway line is shown on the 2nd edition OS map leading south to Victoria Planing Mill (NO75NW0765).