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Section of old military road attributed to General Caulfield. It runs as a track from the present main road at NJ 296 063 to the A939 at NJ 263 086, the route subsequently running a little north of the present A939 to Cock Bridge (NJ20NE0054). A watching brief was carried out by in 1997 during excavation of an exploratory section across the road at circa NJ 29159 06532, on the east side of the Tournahaish bridge (NJ20NE0016). No attempt had been made to provide a solid footing for the road as it crossed the moss or bog in the narrow valley bottom on the east side of the Burn of Tournahaish. Construction consisted of uniform un-graded fill, laid directly on the bed of peat, but included a drystone revetment against the downslope side of the carriageway. A watching brief was also carried out in 1997 during excavation of a trench across the road at circa NJ 28067 06917, west of the Delavine Bridge (NJ20NE0015). This showed a simple construction, the road built directly on the topsoil, with a substantial dry-stone revetment on the downslope side of the road. A section of the road to the north-west (from circa NJ 25845 08853 to NJ 26052 08738) was recorded by Cameron Archaeology in 2017 during a walkover survey (NJ20NE0128). Due to conifer plantation works the road in this area was only faintly visible. The eastern section of the recorded road appears heavily rutted.