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Remains of a walled garden and site of a mansion house, built circa 1681, to which a large castellated structure was added circa 1850. It originally belonged to the Grants of Carron until 1783, when it was purchased by Robert Grant. The additions were built for James Grant (1788 - 1865) 3rd laird. The house was demolished in 1967-68, and only a pile of rubble now remains. On the 1st edition OS map an observatory is depicted to the south-southeast of the house and a gasometer to the north. The walled garden lies to the southeast. Within the garden, on the 1st and 2nd OS edition maps a fountain and sundial are depicted. A 17th century dovecot that served this house stands to the west (NJ24SE0011) as does the Home Farm (NJ24SE0067). The gardener's cottage to the southeast of the garden remains in use.