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Remains of hut and field system, recorded by OS in 1971. The hut was visible as a platform bounded by a pronounced back scarp in the northwest and elsewhere as a turf-covered bank spread to circa 2.5 m in which little stone is visible, entrance not apparent. It stands within a contemporary field system with stone clearance heaps, lynchets and occasional field walls. Fields vary between 20 m and 15 m by 10 m. Visited by RCAHMS on 29 July 1991 when most of the southeast facing slopes had been afforested. The hut-circle and field-system could not be located. Several small cairns were noted at the edges of the trees to the southwest of Meikle Corshellach and further cairns were visible in the forest ride in the vicinity of NJ04NW0009. Desk based assessment and field survey was carried out by ASH in 2011 and CFA/AMEC in 2012 in connection with a proposed electricity substation inthe southern part of the site and access for a windfarm. Survey by ASH in June 2011 identified a possible structure within the substation footprint (circa NJ 04205 47088 ) recorded by CAF as possibly denuded banks surrounding a slight hollow, and possibly of natural origin. Five clearance cairns were recorded by ASH at NJ 04279 47013, likely associated with the field system. These lay outwith the substation footprint covered by the 2012 survey, so not assessed at that time, although CFA did identify three cairns a little further to the northwest at NJ0415547115 (a grassy mound 6 m in diameter, 0.6 m high), NJ0417847111 (a mound 3 m in diameter and 0.4 m high) and NJ0419247147 (sub oval, measuring 5 m by 3 m). In 2012 a watching brief was maintained by CFA on groundworks for an electricity substation within the southern part of the site, and a single cairn identified at NJ 04211 47085 (NJ04NW0135), possibly equating to a feature located during an earlier walkover survey and thought to be of prehistoric date. It lay outwith the main area of construction and so has been preserved in situ. A watching brief carried out in 2016 recorded a single posthole to the south of the site (NJ04NW0118).