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Prehistoric hut circle remains on the southeast flanks of Bracken Noits, recorded during a walkover survey carried out by West Coast Archaeological Services in October 2020, covering an area of a proposed woodland planting and regeneration scheme (NJ25SW0049). The recorded remains centred at NJ 24375 50172 (Site 2) consisted of a very degraded hut-circle platform revetted into the slope, with a large pine tree currently growing out of the centre of the platform. The banks were covered by heather, while the interior was covered by deer grass. The hut circle measured approximately 10 m in diameter over the very degraded banks, which were spread between 1-1.4 m wide and up to 0.5 m in height. The banks were more visible in the east arc of the remains, where the entrance was possibly located. The hut-circle platform is located within an area of prehistoric field system remains (NJ25SW0053).