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A watching brief was undertaken by Cameron Archaeology on July 5th 2016, during a topsoil strip of Trench 2 (NJ63SE0105), a section of a cable corridor through the southern part of the area of rectilinear cropmarks (NJ63SE0036), following on from a walkover survey ahead of cable laying for SSE (NJ62NE0181). At the west end of the trench, an area of prehistoric activity was identified, containing one circular ring-ditch (feature 201) at least 16m in diameter, which had been cut at its west side by furrow 203. A fragment of prehistoric pottery was recovered from feature 201. During the trenching to find a route to bypass this feature, in order to preserve it in situ, another two possible ring-ditches were identified (features 204 and 206) in the southwestern corner of the trench at NJ 6673 3018. These were cleaned and recorded but no finds were recovered. A trench further to the northeast was excavated running northwest - southeast to allow for the cable mole ploughing. Furrows were recorded from this trench (features 205, 207 and 203).