Aberdeen City HER - NJ81NW0029 - PITMEDDEN

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ81NW0029
NRHE Card No.NJ81NW51
NRHE Numlink 81772
HES SM No. 8421
Site Form Earthwork
Site Condition Incomplete
Details Remains of a section of the Aberdeenshire canal. This is one of several locations in Aberdeen where canal remains survive, because the Great North of Scotland Railway which superseded it, took a different line (see also NJ81NE0011 and NJ81NE0047, two other well preserved sections nearby, the latter lying on the opposite side of the modern Aberdeen to Inverness railway line). This part of the canal is visible north west of Woodlands croft, down a steep embankment, south of the railway line. The canal earthworks survive within rough ground and woodland and the basin is visible for some depth. The tow path remains up to 1.5m wide and is on a steep embankment. The canal was opened in 1805 and ran from the harbour at Waterloo Quay along the south western side of the River Don to Port Elphinstone, near Inverurie. Later the canal was connected to the harbour when a tidal lock was built in 1834. Previously goods from the harbour were transferred by road to the canal.
Last Update07/07/2023
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation13/09/2017

Google Map for NJ81NW0029

National Grid Reference: NJ 8466 1540

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types