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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNO35SE0083
NRHE Card No.NO35SE250
NRHE Numlink 273027
Site Form Documentary Record Only
Site Condition Destroyed
Details Prehistoric settlement and burials. An archaeological evaluation was carried out by Headland Archaeology, in advance of Phase 1 of proposed sand and gravel quarrying, in November 2003 and January 2004. Nine trenches were excavated, totalling 1200 m, a two percent sample of the site. Apart from a small modern field boundary ditch, no archaeological features were discovered. A watching brief carried out by Headland Archaeology in June-July 2007 during the topsoil stripping for the Phase 1 works recorded several groups of features of archaeological interest. These comprised two groups of long cists aligned east-west, an isolated log cist also aligned east-west, an isolated short cist, three groups of postholes of prehistoric date and a prehistoric roundhouse with associated structures. There were also several isolated postholes and a possible prehistoric souterrain. All of the long cists were located at high points on the hill. Long Cist Group A contain four cists built of pink sandstone slabs, two of the lids having collapsed into the cists, these containing almost complete skeletons. The other two had been damaged by ploughing and only the basal slabs and fragmentary side slabs remained: these contained only fragmentary skeletal material. The burials were probably of three adults and an infant. Long Cist Group B some 62 m to the northwest comprised three very poorly preserved cists, which appeared to have been constructed from cobbles and pink sandstone slabs. Only one had in-situ skeletal remains, all three having disarticulated human remains. The solitary cist, circa 100 m east of Group A, was of similar construction to the Group B cists. The short cist was found some distance to the south of Group A, well preserved, constructed of large pink sandstone slabs including a very large (1.2 m square) capping stone. It contained the remains of a crouched adult burial, with fragments of a beaker vessel indicating a Bronze Age date for the burial. To the west of Cist Group B a single isolated pit containing ash and burnt bone was probably a cremation burial, likely of prehistoric date although no dating evident was obtained. At the top of the hill on the west side of the area stripped, there was evidence of prehistoric settlement comprising posthole groupings representing several timber built structures, including a roundhouse with a porch opening to the southeast, a possible second roundhouse to the southwest, a four post structure and a probable eight-post structure. Pottery from features in this area indicated a Bronze Age date for the structures. A large pit on the east side of the settlement area may have been a quarry pit. Two other groups of postholes and small pits were recorded on the site, Group A on the eastern side of the area and Group B in the southwestern part of the stripped area. three isolated pits or postholes were also recorded. The pottery assemblage from across the site comprises fragments from at least 33 vessels, from three phases of activity: Early to Middle Neolithic settlement, Early Bronze Age burials, and Late Bronze Age settlement. A watching brief was maintained during additional work to the Phase 1 area in November 2007. This revealed nine more features, which consisted of three aligned pits that continued the line of the previously found four, a group of pits and some isolated features. A further watching brief was undertaken in April 2008 during topsoil stripping of an additional area on the north, and three further features were recorded. These were an isolated posthole, a hearth and a possible burnt mound. Pottery sherds of prehistoric date were also recovered. See also NO35SE0096 (Phase 2 and 3), NO35SE0115 and NO35SE0101 (Phase 4),NO35SE0218 and NO35SE0219 (Phase 5), NO35SE0285 (Phase 6).
Last Update30/12/2022
Updated Byjnicholson
Date of Compilation10/07/2007

Google Map for NO35SE0083

National Grid Reference: NO 3652 5018

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
2003 Evaluation
2004 Evaluation
2007 Watching-Brief
2008 Watching-Brief

Excavations and Surveys

Date MDate YTypeDurationDirector / OrganisationAuspicesFundExtent
112003 Excavation 1J ANSELLHEADEV 
12004 Excavation 1J ANSELLHEADEV 
72007 Excavation  E BaileyHEADEV 
112007 Excavation  Mikael SimonssonHEADEV 
42008 Excavation  J HubleHEADEV 

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types

Monument Type 1Monument Type 2Monument Type 3OrderProbability
PITS  D100