Aberdeenshire HER - NO39SW0037 - BIRKHALL STABLES

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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNO39SW0037
NRHE Card No.NO39SW1
NRHE Numlink 199333
HES LB No. 51449
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Stables, still in use, built in circa 1800 with 1932-33 alterations and additions including a garage, six rooms, a sitting room and bathroom. They are L-plan, two-storey classical stables with the later car port wing to the rear making a U-plan building. It is harled with granite ashlar dressings and a base course, square first floor windows, boarded doors, small-pane glazing in sash and case windows, two pairs of casements, graded grey/green slate roofs with a stone ridge and coped skews with angled skewputts. The north-east elevation is seven-bay, and has an advanced pedimented bay at the centre breaking the eaves, with a shallow segmental-arched carriage door opening at the ground and a round-arched window above. Above the door is an iron lamp bracket. There is a cornice to the pediment. A pedestrian door in bay flanking to the west has a letterbox fanlight with regular fenestration to the widely spaced bays beyond. The bays to the east have a door at the centre with a fanlight, regular fenestration and a blind first floor window. Return elevations are gabled with a window to each floor at the centre of the north-west gable (rectangular-window at first floor). The north-west wing has a door with a rectangular fanlight to the north, slightly recessed from the adjoining gable. There is a window above and to each floor of the flanking bay to the south and a blank return gable to the south-west. The gabled, timber south-west elevation has a later addition set between the car port and north-west wing, with irregular openings and doors. The car port, presumably formerly a coach house, was probably rebuilt in circa 1950 by A Graeme Henderson. It and has a mansard attic roof and is abutting a bank to the rear. There are eight and a half bays to the courtyard, the ground floor being of continuous, square-headed carriage doors and with eight swept roofed dormers to attic. There are three attic windows to the rear. It is situated to the west of Birkhall House (NO39SW0001), and there are two timber game larders to the south (NO39SW0038).
Last Update07/06/2018
Updated Bynackerman
Date of Compilation01/02/2017

Google Map for NO39SW0037

National Grid Reference: NO 3481 9357

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

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Ecofact Notes

Monument Types