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Cropmarks. The eastern half of a rectilinear enclosure was recorded by the RCAHMS in 1983 and subsequently in 1998. The enclosure is to the west-northwest of the farmstead. The area is overlain by rig and furrow cultivation also showing as crop marks. A linear feature running northwest-southeast from the farmstead may be the former mill lade. A watching brief was carried out in February 2013 during groundworks for three wind turbines in the southern part of the west field (centred on circa NO 4756 3420). No archaeological features or artefacts were recorded. Trial trenching was carried out by Headland Archaeology in 2021 in the northern corner of the field ahead of onshore transmission works (NO43SE0117). Six trenches were excavated in this area, but only two features were recorded. A wide shallow ditch in Tr175 sat within a hollow and may have been a mill lade or hollow way. The second, a north-south ditch in Tr178, was likely an old field boundary.