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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNO59NW0108
NRHE Card No.NO59NW94
NRHE Numlink 229372
HES LB No. 47049
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Lodge, in residential use, built in the mid 19th century. It was formerly the South Lodge to Aboyne Castle (NO59NW0005), but was later replaced by the lodge to the east (NO59NW0108). It is also known as Bydand. It is a single-storey and attic, three-bay, rectangular-plan former lodge, constructed from rough-faced, squared coursed grey granite with finely finished margins, a base course, chamfered reveals, long and short vertically banded quoins, overhanging eaves with timber bargeboards and kingpost details. The grey slate roof has a lead ridge, a coped and paired circular-plan gablehead stack to the south-east, a coped and shouldered granite triple wallhead stack to the north-west and cast-iron rainwater goods. The principal south-west elevation has a gableted porch advanced to the centre of the ground floor with a glazed and panel timber door reached by a single step, and there is a tooled panel bearing 'H' surmounted by a crown set in gablehead. The ground floor has two-light windows and a canted window. At the attic there is a two-pane skylight to the centre, a gableted window breaking the eaves to the south and a two-light window set in the gablehead to the west. The south-east elevation has a shouldered advanced flue to the centre of the wall with a tooled panel reading 'BYDAND' and a lean-to addition adjoining the boundary wall to the outer east. There is a gablehead window to the north-east elevation. The north-west elevation has a shouldered advanced flue to the centre breaking the eaves, a two-light window to the ground floor and a recessed tooled panel with a shield surmounted by a crown above. In the flanking bay to the west is a small-pane timber door, and there is a single-storey, flat-roofed addition to the outer west with two small windows. Squared and snecked, rough-faced granite boundary walls have rough-faced coping to the south-east of the lodge.
Last Update13/04/2021
Updated Bycherbert
Date of Compilation01/02/2017

Google Map for NO59NW0108

National Grid Reference: NO 5285 9870

Event Details

Excavations and Surveys

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