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Main Details

Primary ReferenceNJ81SE0569
NRHE Card No.NJ81SE36
NRHE Numlink 76853
HES LB No. 15673
Site Form Standing Structure
Site Condition Complete 2
Details Mansion house dating from the 17th century. It is two-storey, on an E-plan with slate roof and crow-stepped gables. The 17th Century north and south wings (the north incorporating earlier work) are linked by a range of 18th Century date. There is a forestair to a door in the centre of the second floor. In the south facade of the south wigs is a 1686 datestone The west wing was extended on the east side in 1859, the extension having a central projecting bay on its east side with moulded doorway inscribed 'IP/EDB 1859' approached by a stair added in 1923. The estate belonged successively to the Keiths, Olgilvies, Buchanans, Gordons and Jaffrays until the late 17th Century when it passed to the Patons of Farrochie, Fettercairn. They changed the name of the property from its original Dilspro to the present Grandhome. See NJ81SE0571 for gardens. Documentary research and selective external photographic recording was carried out by MAS in 2020 ahead of proposed alterations. The property had various names in the 14th – 15th century (Granden (1326), Graindun (1340), Grandown (1391), Grandoune (1413) Grandone (1425), Grandown (1466), Grandone (1475)). At that time the lands of Granshome were more extensive, the northern part of which was sold in 1528. Roy’s map of 1747-55 shows the property named Grannam House, it is named Grangholm on the OS 1st edition map, the accompanying OS Name Book using Grandhome which is the version that has remained in use since the later 19th century. Although there are references to the property from 1326, there is no direct evidence for the form or location of the house at that time. The earliest detailed surviving plans of the house are of 17th century date, these of one wing, probably the north (service) wing and likely drawn up when George Paton bought the property. The south wing may also date to the later 17th century. The 1686 datestone with initials GP and IC has clearly been moved, possibly in the 18th century when the Gibbs style south door was put in. It is thought to indicate when the couple moved into the property. The west wing was added in the 18th century, and provided new public rooms (drawing room, dining room). Other works at this time may have included heightening the north wing. In 1859 a 2-strey block was added on the east side of the west wing, filling what remains of the original 17th century courtyard. Between 1920 and 1923 the service area to the north of the north wing was extended and walls building to form an enclosed service courtyard. There was also some redesign of the east elevation of the house. Many of the windows were enlarged at this time and numerous internal changes made. Standing building survey of the north wing of the house was carried out by MAS in 2021 ahead of proposed alterations. The recording supported interpretation (from documentary evidence) that the north wing had been the original service wing of a U-plan building which comprised north, south and west wings around a court open to the east. A watching brief carried out by MAS during groundworks in the courtyard recorded a number of features. Removal of a concreate slab from the well revealed the well shaft, lined with radially placed hand-made bricks. Six lengths of iron which lay across the top were probably the remains of a grill covering. Monitoring of excavation of an oil pipe trench from a new tank to the courtyard recorded no archaeological features or artefacts. Within the courtyard a 21st century porch and former boiler house were removed and the yard surface reduced to natural clay: no archaeological features or artefacts were recorded.
Last Update11/01/2022
Updated Bycpalmer
Date of Compilation13/09/2017

Google Map for NJ81SE0569

National Grid Reference: NJ 8984 1175

Event Details

Event DateEvent TypeOASIS ID
2020 Building Recording
2021 Building Recording
2021 Watching-Brief

Excavations and Surveys

Artefact and Ecofact


Ecofact Notes

Monument Types

Monument Type 1Monument Type 2Monument Type 3OrderProbability