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Prehistoric field system remains on the southeast flanks of Bracken Noits, consisting of at least 16 very degraded stone clearance cairns, located under heather and deer grass vegetation. They were recorded during a walkover survey carried out by West Coast Archaeological Services in October 2020, covering an area of a proposed woodland planting and regeneration scheme (NJ25SW0049). The recorded remains were centred at NJ 24464 50167 (Site 1). The stones within the cairns were generally rounded and varied between 0.1-0.3 m across, with the cairns varying in size between 4-5 m by 4 m and between 0.5-0.8 m in height. The cairns were partially obscured by the peat and the ground vegetation, and it is possible that additional cairns are also hidden by the peat and vegetation growth. The field system was most likely contemporary with the hut circle (NJ25SW0054) located within the area of cairns.