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A desk-based assessment followed by a walkover survey was carried out by Highland Archaeology Services in November 2021 on an area of proposed woodland creation. The walkover survey identified and recorded forty-seven previously unrecorded features and known features identified in the desk based assessment. Features recorded included a possible prehistoric cairnfield located on the lower slopes of Stony Hill (NJ25SE0071). Post-medieval features recorded included farmsteads (NJ25SW0010, NJ25SE0033, NJ25SE0034, NJ25SE0029, NJ25SE0055, NJ25SE0030, NJ25SE0031, NJ25SW0038), a sand pit (NJ25SE0036), a water storage tank (NJ25SE0032), a bridge (NJ25SE0066), four large areas of clearance cairns and spreads (NJ25SE0067, NJ25SE0068, NJ25SE0069, NJ25SE0070), a marker cairn (NJ25SE0074), boundary cairn (NJ25SE0015), small rubble-built rectangular structures/enclosures and cairns (NJ25SE0072, NJ25SE0073), remains of possible quarrying (NJ25SE0075, NJ25SE0007), remains of the former Great North of Scotland Railway (NJ25SE0043) and a post-medieval or modern turf grouse-butt (NJ25SW0088). A modern work hut and platform features possibly related to peat-cutting or drainage (NJ25SW0086, NJ25SW0087) and a natural hillock feature (NJ25SE0005) were recorded. The high density of the cairns within the large cairnfield on Stony Hill in the southwest of the area and the proximity to hut circles and prehistoric cairns within adjacent areas (NJ25SW0049), implies this area possibly experienced a high degree of prehistoric activity.